This little baby, the CBR1000RR needed a new air filter and we decided that going OEM was the best option. Not a big job but still, over time these do deteriorate and replacement is essential. Finding the correct filter for the bike was easy too, I checked on Webike website and this showed the models that fit each filter. Super easy. I had other items in my order and this then cut down the shipping over the entire order. I use EMS fast service which arrived at my door in 4 or 5 days, this time was 5 days but there was a weekend in-between. All the items were packaged really well and bubble wrap and air pockets were used to fill any space in the box. Webike even tape the outer box on all sides so nothing can get in out. The filter arrived in perfect condition and no signs of any damage. These air filter do also come in their own box which does help. The filter itself is a really well made piece of kit. Hi Flo really do know how to make these. All the filaments were perfect and spaced evenly. Fitting was a bit of a pain but only because you have to take a lot of parts off and move out of the way before you can get to the filter. If you take your time you will be fine. I have used Hi Flow air filters a lot lately and have had some good results from them and great customer feedback. The final result was great, all sorted really well. Very pleased with my order, a big thanks to Webike for doing a great job and providing a great service throughout.
View Detail- Instock
160.29 RMB (3,443 日元)
Temporarily out of stock.
Arrival date at our warehouse: 预计2-3周。
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