HONDA dachshund Rear hub mounting width is the same as stock.
HONDA Shirley 50. Rear hub mounting width is the same as stock.
HONDA Dax 70 Rear hub mounting width is the same as stock.
HONDA Shirley 70 Rear hub mounting width is the same as stock.
HONDA Mighty Ducks (ST90) Rear hub mounting width is the same as stock.
材质:不锈钢 (镜面表面处理) ・后摇臂内宽度:约170mm 主管:40mm×20mm 【附件】 ・煞车连杆 ・铝合金切削加工链条调整器 ・后避震器安装螺丝 ・后轮轴轴芯 ・扭力杆 (后鼓煞盘固定连杆) 【10cm加长型后摇臂】